Saturday, 28 July 2012

Work Experience at Vet International

Hi everyone! How are you guys today? 
I want to tell how was my work experience at Vet International clinic. 
It's was fun, I love animals and I want to be a vet. 

 Me, just arrived at my work place. 
My work was 6 hours, from 9am to 3pm.

At the clinic lobby

This is Kona
This is Kona, he is the first patient that I see in this clinic. Every morning, I help the doctor hold Kona so we can put a new bandage. 


Kona had surgery, he was exposed to the tumor. He has several times surgery. When the tumor samples were brought to the lab in Indonesia the result is not a malignant tumors. However, the tumor always grew again, the doctor was sent the samples to England and the sample was malignant tumor, its a tumor that can grow again. So that Kona had to be operated again and the tumor was cut 2 cm around so that the skin is cut and the flesh looks, so that Kona remains treated at the clinic until the wound closes. Kona is very good dog. The owner always come to the clinic and bring some food for Kona, sometimes steak, spaghetti bolognese, or nasi goreng. Kona doesn't like normal dog food... 

This is my first patient, his name is Tio. He's come to the clinic becouse vomit and can't eat. 

This is the dog's cage, where Kona and the golden, Suko stay. The small one I don't know what's the name, he is not long in the clinic. There is another golden too, the name is Totti. Totti is here because he ate a stone and he already had surgery, the first time of surgery the stone is out but they don't close the intestine tightly, so its make infection and his stomach must be cleaned.  And another golden ate a thread, he had a surgery too. The thread still stuck in his tongue so that the tongue wounded, when the string is pulled, the thread could not get out because it coagulated in the stomach, then he should be operated. 

 This is George, he is a tortoise from Madagaskar.
He doesn't eat since 5 days, that's why we must feed him. 

This dog was in emergency, he needed oxygen. I didn't really know what happen, because I was just arriving. 
All the doctors were helping him, they had given him oxygen and injection but he died... His owner was very sad...

This is Gingger, It's a male cat. I can't touch him becouse he is very scared and agresif.

This little dog have diarrhea, but now hes okay :)

This two cute cat's is for adoption, the smaller one is a female and the other is a male. There was 5 kittens, but the other 3 is already taken. I wish, I can take the 2 kittens home, but my mom don't want more cat's becouse we have 3 and the one will have kittens too. 

 This one is more active and like to play, its a female.

 This one is a shy cat and afraid of many things but he like to play too. He eat much thats why he is bigger than his sister. His sister is very greedy but is still smaller becouse he take her food. 

The smaller kitty like playing around my shoulder and she fall in sleep at my shoulder too. 
They don't have name, but the docter call the small one 'rakus' thats mean greedy.

 Yesterday was the last day working at Vet International, so I take a picture in front of the pet food for memory in my diary. 

This dog is be sterilized. 

And this puppy have surgery at his knee, his knee is swollen. They find out that his knee bone is a little cracked. His bone is cracked becouse he jump out from a car and the car was still moving. 
The surgery was very long, it's around one o'clock until I'm must going home around half-past four. 
The puppy was to long in koma so his temperature going down and I helped put water in the gloves and cook it. We must cook 20 gloves and put it at the puppy body so he will stay warm. 
At that time, is already 3 o'clock and I should go home, but I still help until half-past four and then I'm going home around 4 o'clock, but they don't finished the surgery. Today I call the clinik and ask about the puppy, they say he is still alive and happy, and I can visit him. But, It's already evening... 

The work experience was fun, but sometimes was a little boring becouse I can't do much. I can't giving the animals medicine becouse I'm not a doctor, I just wach how they heal the pet's. I just help feeding and cleaning the pet's. But it was fun working with animal's  :) 


  1. WOW! What an awesome experience!

    I can see that you really do love animals Marisa. I think it would be a perfect job for you and this experience would have been very rewarding. Your photos are great also, well done!
